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Earth works Roadworks Green areas Paving work
Bridge Teatralny, Poznań
Reconstruction of the Theatre Bridge in Poznań.
Orderer: Tormel Sp. z o.o.
Square Cyryla Ratajskiego, Poznań
Reconstruction of Cyryl Ratajski Square in Poznań.
Orderer: Tormel Sp. z o.o.
Str. Św. Marcin, Poznań
Reconstruction of Święty Marcin Street, laying of granite paving blocks with original design.
Orderer: Tormel Sp. z o.o.
Wierzbięcice, Poznań
Reconstruction of Wierzbięcice Street in Poznań.
Orderer: Tormel Sp. z o.o.
Str. Arnikowa, Poznań
Construction of a bus stop on Arnikowa Street ( platform 1).
Orderer: Alusta S.A.
Es. Orła Białego, Poznań
Construction of a bus stop at the Orła Białego housing estate (platform no. 12).
Orderer: Alusta S.A.
Es. Orła Białego, Poznań
Construction of a bus stop at the Orła Białego housing estate ( platform no. 13).
Orderer: Alusta S.A.
Jeżycki Market Square, Poznań
Reconstruction of the Jeżycki Square in Poznań.
Orderer: Alusta S.A.
Primary School No. 62, Poznań
Construction of a paving block car park at the extension of Primary School No. 62 in Poznań.
Orderer: Zakład Budowlano – Drogowy Robert Jachimowski
Str. Marcelińska, Poznań
Construction of a bus stop on ul. Marcelińska in Poznań.
Orderer: Alusta S.A.
Str. Śniadeckich, Poznań
Laying of granite stone at Śniadeckich Street in Poznań.
Orderer: Inspol Sp. z o.o.
Frez-Met, Orzechowo
Construction of a paving block square for the company “Frez-Met” Orzechowo.
Orderer: Frez-Met
Laying of paving stones for the construction of a new kindergarten building including childcare places for children up to 3 years.
Orderer: Bud-Owy Sp. z o.o.
Lidl, Poznań
Construction of a paved road and car park for the new Lidl shop in Dąbrówka.
Orderer: Plenerbud Grzegorczyk Sp.J.
Str. Pszczyńska, Poznań
Construction of a cobblestone road on Pszczyńska Street in Poznań.
Orderer: Zakład Drogowy Antczak Sp. z o.o.